Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Business Development

You’ve probably heard that there is a five-year hump in getting a business started and on solid footing. That was pretty accurate 10-15 years ago and seems to be on target today. Sometimes, our businesses plateau and we struggle to continue the growth in an ever competitive business environment.
There are only three things that you can control in getting your business up and running or energizing an emerging enterprise.
1.  Attitude
I’m a great believer in the laws of attraction. If your mindset is envisioning a negative outcome instead of a positive one, you can probably count on the negative conclusion occurring. The end result will be similar to your thinking pattern. Part of making changes is sometimes rethinking your goals and objectives and setting up a doable game plan with all the right activity and behavior
2. Activity
You need to ask yourself: What are you doing everyday that is creating positive synergy to fill the funnel with possibilities, prospects, and business opportunity. Positive activity is something that you can control and is contagious once you get it going.
3. Behavior
Behavior will set a strong precedent to how you will succeed in business. I find that many times people continue to do the same thing, but expect a different outcome. If your behavior is not what you want it to be, then I would suggest making the changes that you feel are appropriate and staying with that game plan for at least 21 days to ensure the change that you’re implementing become a habit

If you can get your attitude, activity, and behavior moving in the right direction, you will be amazed at the positive outcome.

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