Thursday, April 18, 2013

Developing an Effective Selling System

Many of our sales tip readers are consistently asking for the answers to developing an effective selling system. First let me restate the issue that people are not looking to be sold. Our job as sales professionals is to discover if a problem exists and whether or not our product or service can solve it. If not, it is ok to move on. If it is not a good match, please take the time to give your prospect advice on what you would do if you were confronted by a similar issue. Selling something to someone that isn’t a good fit is the reason people have such a negative attitude about sales people. Sales is not about earning a commission, making quota, etc. I think you have the idea. If we create a buying environment that gives birth to a win-win purchase, at the end you can probably count on such things as referrals and positive name recognition.  One time sales that have failed to solve their problem will lead to them becoming a former client and shorten your career. Simply said, do not compromise your integrity for short term rewards. Go for the win-win and you will enjoy the long term positive results.
Hope you have enjoyed the blog! However, for the foreseeable future we are going to a blog every other week.