There is an old saying that still rings through today: “If you keep doing what you have always done, you will be getting what you have always gotten or maybe less.”
In the beginning of working with Joe’s sales team, I soon discovered that there was a pattern of prospecting and communicating with current as well as prospective clients that had a lot to be desired. Their prospecting game plan seemed to lack creativity and the right activity, which is essential in growing businesses.
We started with a discovery process by identifying the missing elements of a well thought-out prospecting game plan. My seminars were very participative, so we could achieve buy-in from each participant, and most importantly develop a team mentality, instead of competitive mind set that existed before the training.
The team concept allowed each participant to tie their personal goals into a company’s vision and objectives, so they were able to predict a doable financial goal for the company for the next fiscal period.
Over short period of time I started to notice that their activity and behavior were redirecting to an allover team effort, which included mentoring/mentee relationships between seasoned and newer players.
With an introduction of fresh ideas came a great change in an attitude for everyone in company. It opened up lines of communication for the sales people, design and construction team, and, of course, management.
Next week we will continue exploring what it takes to develop a prospecting mentality.