Friday, March 15, 2013

Staying Positive

As a sales and management advisor for a few decades, I constantly hear people refer to others as having a less then positive attitude. When I asked how it displays itself, they usually struggle with how it reflects on the job and their interaction with other people. The one thing for sure is that it is not what it needs to be to help them reach a higher level of success. The one thing I reassure them is that the negative did not form or surface over night. It can display itself based on a situation or environment a person a person finds themselves in. Can you change the attitude of a negative person into a positive one…. Yes and no. Improving ones attitude will take time and it requires a strong commitment on the person’s part. An attitude has been forming since infancy, and their life experiences have played a critical role in their self perception and how they view the world. If they are truly committed to improving their attitude, it can happen. It will play a major part in helping with their transition, and depending on their background, it is not always easy. The real key is identifying what activity and behavior should look like to improve one’s self. Easy, no, but it starts with the first step, having a number good life experiences. It takes 21 days for change to start to become a part of us. Attitude needs positive guidance and reinforcement, and self appreciation for what you are accomplishing. A lot of people think that they have got it, and then they have a tendency to slip back into the old rut. It is a lifetime pursuit and can give you surprising results and pay significant dividends in varying aspects of your life. Staying positive is a constructive way to keep your pursuits linear to positive results. Always remember, you cant be happy when you are thinking negative thoughts.

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