I had a client ask me this week: Do I need a system of selling? My answer was: No, you do not unless you want to be successful and do more business.
Let’s continue with a rather obvious observation:
Just because you’re in selling doesn’t make you a sales professional.
I’ve been in the sales arena for 40+ years and quite honestly there isn’t a week that goes by that I don’t learn a new or different way of looking at sales. To put it bluntly, you’re always going to be a work in progress. Learning is a life long process that makes our profession interesting, fun and rewarding.
Starting with this week’s sales tip and over the next month we’re beginning to develop a system of selling. When doing so it’s important to realize that there’s a hundred systems out there, all good and very much alike in a lot of respects.
My selling system, which is considered by to many to be non-traditional, will give you the following:
· A sales track to run on
· An insight into a game plan that will help you to identify where you’re at in the selling process
· The ability to debrief each interview in order to identify what you did well as well as areas that need improvement
· A way of developing a flexible process that puts logical steps in the process.
· An interface with the prospect to quickly determine if you’re going to be able to move forward or if it’s in everyone’s best interest to disconnect
· Directions that afford you and the prospect the opportunity to have a meaningful dialogue to determine if you have a potential fit
Check back next week for more on sales systems